viernes, 12 de julio de 2013

Autumn in my heart (El otoño en mi corazón)

I would like to share some of my poems with you. Here is an english version of the original called "hojas pálidas", which means "pale leaves". I would like to receive your feedback.
I show you here an incomplete version of my poem called "Treescent"


Pale leaves in which it is written all you need to know in Life,
Pale leaves that are company for little birds,
Pale leaves that are the calendar of the old people,
Pale leaves tattooed by the light of the moon,
Pale leaves that flutter like kids jumping around,
Pale leaves outraged by the mud,
Pale leaves mixed with the piss of stray dogs,
Pale leaves witnesses of the night and their sins,
Pale leaves that being a child I wanted to count,
Pale leaves drawn by the good artist,
Pale leaves and all words used by whoever writes this poem,
Pale leaves emboldened by swirls of madness,
Pale leaves that return to the Earth,
Pale leaves that make a symphony along with the rain,
Pale leaves that are our comrades via their indifference,
Pale leaves floating in early morning ponds,
Pale leaves in which I look for the smile of my beloved,
Pale leaves, you’re never the same,
Pale leaves that cover the death and never forget  her,

Pale leaves that recite life and its bliss.

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